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Oakview Preparatory School
The school encourages students’ lunches to conform to Adventist Health Standards. This excludes all pork products, shellfish, coffee, and drinks containing caffeine. Children are not permitted to go or order food from local fast-food retailers. Acceptable food items should be eaten only at the appropriate times.
A hot, healthy vegetarian lunch is served each day at a minimal charge. The school requests parents to ensure that their child has a nourishing breakfast before leaving home for school. This ensures maximum learning. Special occasions during the year arise when parties/picnics provide for a change from the regular lunch program.
Parents/Teachers are encouraged to serve healthy snacks and treats and to minimize empty-calorie foods.
Educational personnel and volunteers are encouraged to refrain from the following dietary practices during regular school hours and school-sponsored activities:
1. Drinking products containing caffeine – within this category are coffee, certain types of tea and cola
2. The eating of high fat/sugar fast foods – “junk food”, e.g. candy, chocolate bars, chips, etc
Note: Families are encouraged to follow the N-E-W-S-T-A-R-T approach to a better lifestyle, good health and mental acuity.