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Oakview Preparatory School



The Oakview Preparatory School operates under the auspices of the Greater NY Conference of Seventh Day Adventist and abides by the policy of Atlantic Union Conference and the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

Oakview Preparatory School is accredited by the Atlantic Union Conference Board of Education, and the North American Division Commission on Accreditation. 

Oakview Preparatory School is governed by a School Board whose members are nominated by the members of the ten Seventh-Day Adventist Constituent Churches in the Bronx-Westchester Area.  These churches provide a monthly subsidy to the school’s budget. The Constituent Churches are:

Co-op City         Emmanuel    First Igbo  Grand Concourse  
Mamaroneck    Morris Park     Shalom  North Bronx     
Philadelphia Victory  Wakefield   Yonkers


The Board Chairperson and vice-chairperson are elected every three years from the delegates who represent the Constituent Churches. In addition to the church representatives, the Conference Superintendent serves as an ex- Officio member.

Board meetings are generally held on the first Thursday of each month. If the first Thursday is a holiday the meeting will convene on the following Thursday. An Executive Committee may convene and do business when necessary.

The Executive Committee is comprised of the following:

  1. Chairperson(s) O.P.S.

  2. Principal

  3. Treasurer O.P.S.

  4. Chairpersons of Standing Committees

  5. Chairperson or Representative of the B.W.E. Committee

  6. Home and School President

  7. Superintendent of the Greater New York Conference(ex-officio)